Thursday, June 4, 2015


Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.

My Mother-in-law has been in the hospital out of town recently and not being prepared for the trips we made to see her, we made some poor food choices on the road.

My superhero husband with his sweet mom and 3 of 5 sisters

Getting back home and on track with eating healthy, I was craving sweets.

Rather than giving in and making more poor choices, I got into the kitchen and made use of the ingredients I had on hand.

I reworked an old and wonderful chocolate pie recipe, changing the milk to 1/2 full fat coconut milk and 1/2 almond milk, for the flour I used tapioca starch and for the sugar I used coconut sugar. The meringue is also made with coconut sugar. The crust is a wonderful and not at all mine honey graham cracker crust

I also made a sweet treat from one of my favorite savory recipes.

I can't say that I've created a new recipe but as of this week, I can say that I've created a paleo friendly sweet treat from a savory recipe that I adore!


I don't mean to sound so proud of myself...but...considering the fact that I've never really created anything and that after changing eating habits, I had to relearn how to cook, I am feeling quite accomplished.
Add in the fact that they turned out awesome on the 1st try, I can't help but be excited!

A wonderful base recipe is the only reason my creation was possible, I must share the credit! It's a wonderful Rosemary Garlic Flatbread that is so versatile, delicious and easy to prepare.

1 cup tapioca flour
¼ cup coconut flour, sifted
2 tablespoons coconut sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon unrefined sea salt
½ cup full fat coconut milk
¼ cup ghee or grass fed butter
1 egg beaten

Cinnamon Butter:
2 tablespoons butter, softened
1 tablespoon coconut sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon


  • Preheat oven to 450 and place a pizza stone or thick pizza pan/cookie sheet  into oven to heat up
  • Gently heat up coconut milk and ghee/butter in a small sauce pan until very warm but not boiling
  • Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Pour coconut/ghee mixture on top. Mix until thoroughly combined. Allow to sit for a couple of minutes to cool and for coconut flour to absorb
  • Add beaten egg and mix again until combined
  • CAREFULLY remove hot stone/pan from oven, cover with parchment paper and pour mixture into center. Using a spatula evenly spread mixture until it is about ¼ inch thick. (My preferred method.. you can also prepare flatbread on a cutting board lined with parchment paper and CAREFULLY slide the parchment paper and flatbread onto hot stone  )
  • Bake for 9-12 minutes.
  • While baking, mix together cinnamon butter ingredients
  • Once done remove flatbread to a cutting board and immediately top with cinnamon butter
  • Enjoy!   
Topped here with an apple compote

Friday, March 20, 2015


I've decided that today is a good day to do a life assessment! And why not blog about it right!

Even in the storm, there is a bright shining of hope

This has been a really rough winter for me. I've always been affected emotionally and physically by the weather but this year has been so much worse. My funk has seemed unending and I've had more migraines than ever before. It's a wonder that I have any friends left! I sincerely thank those of you who have hung on!

Praise God there has been a change in the weather and a change in me!

Bare with me while I establish a little background.

Of all the places I've lived (only 4), Mobile Al has been my favorite. It was also the place that brought on the most change in my life. Having been surrounded by Godly influence, actively  involved in ministry and in continuous study of God's word, I just didn't think my life would ever be relocated. Silly me right? Due to circumstances (some out of our control and some just bad decisions) we made the decision to move.

For the past three years, we've been "taking advantage" of the fact that my childhood home was unoccupied and using the time to take care of our debt. By years end we'll have only one previous debt unpaid. We'll then begin the process of moving forward and repaying my parents for their four years of generosity. After all they could have been renting out this house and actually making a profit.

 We've been trying to make decisions about our future (can't continue to take advantage of my parents). Do we buy this house or do we build or move something onto property that we have in another location? As we've discussed, prayed, talked with builders, looked at floor plans, renovations ideas and toured mobile home lots we've had no peace about any of what we thought to be our only options.

Peace came when we realized that God doesn't want us to be stationary. We're not meant to have a stationary home. Home is us together in service for God. We have our property as base camp and the only house we'll need will always be ready for travel.

1 Timothy 6:6-8 (NIV)                                                                                   But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

God called me into ministry some years ago and He doesn't waste anything!

Sadly, over the past three years I've felt like God just dumped me. I know He didn't! But when your life changes so drastically and you're a servant with little place to serve, it's not an easy adjustment.

The years of drama and trauma, of bad decisions and circumstance, added to the years of ministry and study will not be for nothing! Even these three years that I know I have spiritually wasted, will not go without use in the future!

I said when we left Mobile AL that "God has a plan"! At the time I was mostly trying to convince myself that I would be okay.

True confessions...a huge part of the time, I haven't really been okay. Instead of trusting God, I've questioned Him and even been angry with Him for dumping me here.

If it hadn't been for the love of a good husband and the best friends and family in the world, I would have given up. But because of a great support system, the last year and a half have been spent not only on our financial health but also our physical health.

Now begins a time of gaining spiritual and mental health so that when God is ready to roll the wheels, I'll be ready to ride!

God really does have a plan for me! He hasn't dumped me!

He's been giving my body a chance to heal so that I can serve Him in ministry once again! I don't know how and I don't know when only that it will be!

Isaiah 61:3 (NIV) (Full Chapter)
and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

I'm thinking that I shouldn't post a blog without sharing a favorite recipe.

 I loving these crackers! They are really quick and easy to make and go perfectly with chicken salad for an easy, yet healthy lunch.
Here's the link for the recipe Sweet and Savory Crackers with Almond Flour