Friday, June 27, 2014


This morning as I was FINALLY folding yesterday's load of towels and thinking ( I have such an awesome husband! After being out doing his "Super Hero" duty and saving the greater areas of Clarke and Washington Counties from rodent and insect infestation and I was NOT folding and putting away the towels, he never said a word. Just sat beside them on the couch. I love this man! )

Anyway, I noticed what lousy condition my dish towels are in.

So what did I do? I just hauled myself to Walmart and picked up a few new ones.

It's the little things right?

If only it were so easy with our diet!

So what is food intolerance really? Unlike food allergies, it's not quick and obvious. The last time that I ate peanut butter my lips and face began to swell, my hands itched and I began throwing up. It was VERY SCARY AND VERY OBVIOUS that peanut butter is not my friend! "Obvious Allergy"

Food intolerance is sneaky and builds up over years of eating foods that our bodies just weren't created to handle. We attribute it to getting older. I used to say all too often "Getting old sucks"! The body aches and joint pain, the slower metabolism and tiredness, extra gas and tummy issues, and the so called "middle aged bulge" are all blamed on getting older. I had to start taking off my rings before I went to bed because I'd wake up with swollen hands. When I stay away from the foods that my body can't handle, I don't have these symptoms.

What my body can't tolerate may be different than what your body can't tolerate. The 7 foods most likely to cause food intolerance are gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, corn, peanuts, sugar and artificial sweeteners. For information from an expert visit

One of our favorite treats is a banana sandwiched around almond butter, frozen then dipped in chocolate. I either buy my almond butter at Fresh Market or make it myself. It's time consuming and loud but makes great in my food processor. The almond butter that you buy off of the shelf has undesirable ingredients added. Invest in the pure stuff, you won't regret it.
Here is the link to the recipe
I like to make my own chocolate to dip them in. We really like extreme dark chocolate. The chocolate that I use:
Homemade Dark Chocolate (Paleo)
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup of melted coconut oil
1/3 cup of raw honey
a few dashes of salt
Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Pour the chocolate batter onto a parchment lined baking sheet and spread it around evenly. Place the baking sheet with chocolate into the freezer and freeze for about 30 minutes or until it is set. Keep refrigerated or in the freezer. To dip the bananas pour the batter into a cup instead of spreading it onto the parchment paper lined baking sheet  ( I use my 2 cup glass measuring cup ) 
I wasn't thinking about sharing when I found this chocolate recipe so I do not know who to credit for it but it is not my creation! Sorry!

Speaking of creation, enjoy a few pictures of the bounty God has blessed my little container garden with! It's not much but it excites me! The little things remember!

Psalm 143:8  (NIV) 
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. 


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post!!! You are a natural! Thank you for sharing.....the bananas look wonderful...:)
