Monday, June 30, 2014


I know that I am behind on the times but I have somehow been able to avoid Pinterest until today. I was looking for a recipe link and finally found it on Pinterest only to realize that I couldn't open it without an account. So I signed up, then couldn't find the recipe again Go Figure! Oh but the good news is, I already have followers. The bad news is, there's nothing to follow because I'm clueless! I'll have to take a Pinterest tutorial.

Sunday is the day that we start fresh! We weigh then assess the previous weeks triumphs or short comings. We ( mostly I ) then  make a plan for the upcoming week. This week my husband lost just over a pound and I gained just under a pound. No cookies next week! 

I have Psoriasis and it has been really flared up along my hair line. I've read that intolerance to eggs can cause and/or aggravate psoriasis and eczema and they tend to create inflammation. The plan is to test this theory and find out if eggs are my problem. I have mixed feelings about this because it's harder to bake without eggs and they are very nutritious. But, if excluding them from my diet will clear up the psoriasis, exclude them I will. It takes 3 weeks to clean something out of your system so I will give you reports over the next 3 weeks. If an egg intolerance is my problem then inflammation could very well be the culprit in my weight gain. Time will tell! 

We started yesterday on our egg free journey and I found a recipe for vegan pancakes. During the week we mostly have protein shakes for breakfast, so I like to make something special on the weekend. We really like the flavor of these pancakes but I cooked them on a griddle when the directions said to use a skillet and this is what happened

I hope it was my cooking method and not the recipe because they really had good flavor! I will try again!

I tried again. even made them smaller this time. There was coconut oil in the pan pictured above. So this recipe is officially a flop. It's just as well that I couldn't find the link! Today"s lesson: just because a recipe is posted on line and has a pretty picture, it isn't always a good recipe!

It only gets better from here! I'm frying deer steak in coconut oil and gluten free breading tonight. This I know will be good! I'll bake sweet potatoes and serve something green with it. It's fool proof. I don't think my ego can handle another failure today! My lunch was a flop too! Homemade cream of tomato soup. (not good with vanilla flavored coconut milk. I have the regular, just wasn't thinking)

DISCLAIMER: Although I love JJ Virgin's book "The Virgin Diet", I have never purchased or used any of the products sold by her and/or

Now deep breath! Think happy thoughts! My happy place!

2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)   We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

The little things!

1 comment:

  1. great post!!! Love to see the recipes that worked and DIDN'T work!! Beautiful photos!!
