Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Psalm 5:2 (NIV)
Hear my cry for help, my King and my 
God, for to you I pray.

Say hello to Tip. He's a 2 year old lab and loves to get wet and dirty! He also loves attention and doesn't like to be alone.

Meet Koon (She says "Stop taking my picture" ) She is almost 5 years old and has very little patience with Tip or anyone really, unless it suits her. She's kinda cat like!
This is their chair! We don't like to use their furniture and they are not allowed to use our's!

I tried to get a picture of them together, but you see that "look" she's giving him! My sit command is overruled by her look every time!

I have house dogs, so my floors always need sweeping. While "hate" is a strong and very negative word that I just don't like to use, it comes closest to describing how I feel about sweeping. Clutter really bothers me, so I try (key word here is try) to stay organized. I can't stand clean laundry left unattended (well the towels can go overnight but absolutely no longer) or dirty laundry not in the hamper. Dirty dishes must be in the sink or on the counter just above the dishwasher and they can't be left for long. BUT I possess the ability to walk over dirt and dog hair for much much longer than my Mama would tolerate! As long as my flip flops are near by and I don't walk barefoot, I can go days without sweeping. Then after a few days the dog hair starts to drive me crazy and I have to sweep. Truth is I'd much rather scrub the toilet than sweep the floor!

That ugly hair/dirt pile is from 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 small living room, dining room., kitchen and the dog's bedroom/laundry room! Embarrassing right! Well it should be!

I think this is how we handled our eating for years. Just swallowing the dirt and pretending that it wasn't doing damage. Heart disease runs rampant in my husbands family, a fact that I've always known. From the day that I started feeding him, some 30 years ago, I said that I was going to give him a heart healthy diet. BIG FAIL! That is until last year. I'm still learning and still making bad choices, but those bad choices are  fewer and farther between.

You already know that we've given up gluten and eggs, well we also avoid dairy. People sensitive to dairy are likely to have acne, rosacea, mucus problems, gas and bloating or sinusitis. We've both noticed a huge and very positive difference. Even if you tolerate dairy well, there are still long term health issues to consider. Since I'm no doctor and have only read about it, I'm only going to encourage you to do some research. We gave it up for the obvious intolerance issues that we personally have, not really for the added bonus of the long term benefits. But WhooHoo, we get that too!

I know you're thinking "It's summer, what about ice cream?" We love to put a frozen banana in the blender with a little unsweetened cocoa powder and some almond milk. It's so much like chocolate ice cream only with a hint of banana. Try it it's great!

In the freezer right now is my version of these blueberry ice cream bars

Blueberry Ice Cream BarsBlueberry Ice Cream Bars
serves 8
1 cup dates
1/2 cup almonds
Blend together ingredients in food processor or blender. Press down into bottom of parchment paper lined pan. I used two mini pans; 6″x3.5″ each. Set aside.
Ice Cream:
2 frozen bananas
1/2 cup almond milk
1 cup blueberries
Blend together bananas and almond milk. Once consistency is smooth; stir in blueberries. Pour ice cream into pans. Place in freezer for at least 4 hours.
Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving to soften. Cut into slices. Serve, enjoy!
Store in freezer.

We don't really like our "sweets" sweet. I only used 4 dates in the crust and added less than a tablespoon of coconut oil to help it stick together. 

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